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Meet all the ethical standards of your
EU-funded Project.

Run your EU-Funded Projects smoothly without social, ethical, legal
and privacy (SELP) issues. We specialize in such issues arising from
your European Commission’s grant proposal and project

Meet all the ethical standards of your EU-funded Project

EU-funded projects since 2018

Partner Network

Peer-Review Publications

Benefits of externalising the ethical, legal and privacy assessment of your EU-funded project


Project effort


Tailored aproach


SELP standards

A Perfectly Executed Proposal and Project Implementation…

Will ensure that the project adjusts to the SELP (Social, Ethical, Legal and Privacy) research standards of the European Commission.

…and will directly benefit:

Non-specialised legal department

Public or private organisations without legal or specialised departments

Large organisations

Large organisations without enough experience in SELP issues in EU-funded Projects or that need to allocate project resources in a more productive.

SELP issues

Any kind of organisation ensuring that the SELP risks and issues are successfully addressed and needs to have all the resources focused on the project.

Implement Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

Why Plus Ethics


We guarantee that our specialized SELP framework (Social, Ethical, Legal and Privacy), developed by our multidisciplinary team of experts on EU Projects, will cover all the standards needs derived from the grant proposal and the later project implementation.

Tailored solution

European Commission

Functional approach

Our mission to guide public and private organisations navigate the complex legal, ethical, social and privacy challenges of the EU grants proposals and project implementation by offering a solution tailored specialized to the highest requirements of the European Commission funds.

Our focus reacts directly to the functioning structure of the EU Commission, the dynamics of the EU funded projects and to what the EU evaluators are expecting in the audit.

We address the specific needs of your EU grant proposal removing waffle and unconnected elements to the European Commission’s standards.

Why Plus Ethics

We guarantee that our specialized SELP framework (Social, Ethical, Legal and Privacy), developed by our multidisciplinary team of experts on EU Projects, will cover all the standards needs derived from the grant proposal and the later project implementation.

Tailored solution

Our mission to guide public and private organisations navigate the complex legal, ethical, social and privacy challenges of the EU grants proposals and project implementation by offering a solution tailored specialized to the highest requirements of the European Commission funds.

European Commission

Our focus reacts directly to the functioning structure of the EU Commission, the dynamics of the EU funded projects and to what the EU evaluators are expecting in the audit.

Functional approach

We address the specific needs of your EU grant proposal removing waffle and unconnected elements to the European Commission’s standards.

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Our last news

Pablo Cerezo took part in a round table at the University of Murci

Pablo Cerezo took part in a round table at the University Of Murcia

2024 has been a year of steady progress and impactful contributions for Plus Ethics. With a clear focus on promoting responsible research and innovation, we are proud to share some of the highlights that made this year truly remarkable…


BIOservicES (Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in different land uses: from the identification of drivers, pressures and climate change resilience to their economic valuation)The EU-funded BIOservicES project is tackling the hidden crisis...
Plus Ethics_Pablo Cerezo participated in the International Congress of the AEEFP (Spanish Association of Ethics and Political Philosophy)

Plus Ethics 2024 Pablo Cerezo participated in the International Congress of the AEEFP

2024 has been a year of steady progress and impactful contributions for Plus Ethics. With a clear focus on promoting responsible research and innovation, we are proud to share some of the highlights that made this year truly remarkable…

A Year of Growth and Ethical Leadership

Plus Ethics 2024: A Year of Growth and Ethical Leadership

2024 has been a year of steady progress and impactful contributions for Plus Ethics. With a clear focus on promoting responsible research and innovation, we are proud to share some of the highlights that made this year truly remarkable…

Armetiss project


ARMETISS (smARt Multifunction tExtiles for integrated Soldier System)ARMETISS aims to develop a set of smart clothes and equipment integrating complementary functions based on EU end-users’ needs and textile-based advanced technologies. The project output will provide...
Research integrity - Plus Ethics


2024 has been a year of steady progress and impactful contributions for Plus Ethics. With a clear focus on promoting responsible research and innovation, we are proud to share some of the highlights that made this year truly remarkable…

Research integrity - Plus Ethics


Suite de herramientas basadas en IA multimodal para combatir las amenazas derivadas del uso malicioso de la IA.En la era de la inteligencia artificial (IA), especialmente con el auge de los modelos generativos, nos enfrentamos a un escenario de amenazas complejas. La...


In the EU, 60-70% of soils are degraded as a direct result of unsustainable management. However, tackling this multifaceted challenge is not an easy task, mainly because farmers' decisions are influenced by a wide range of factors, making it difficult to define...
Plus Ethics at the XIV Spanish Congress of Criminology: Lights and Shadows of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement

Plus Ethics at the XIV Spanish Congress of Criminology: Lights and Shadows of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement

We are excited to announce our upcoming presentation at the XIV Spanish Congress of Criminology, titled “Lights and Shadows: A Systematic Review of the Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement from a European Perspective”, authored by Alejandro Nicolás Sánchez, Noelia Caraballo Miguel, and Estefanía Martínez Mora.

Research integrity - Plus Ethics

Towards a more trustworthy AI: relevance, analysis and prevention of discriminatory biases in the EU context

Tools using Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly integrated into our daily lives, raising significant ethical concerns. This article explores the importance of addressing ethical challenges in AI, with a focus on preventing discriminatory biases in decision-making.

Our services

  • NProject regulatory compliance
  • NEthics and privacy risk oversight
  • NSocial acceptability and impact
  • NImplementation of ethics and privacy handbooks

Get an initial assessment and
a quotation free of obligations

Address the SELP issues of your EU Project now.

Don’t get lost in the process

Download below the EU Commission on how to complete your ethics self assessment.

Our Partners