Plus Ethics or the non-negotiable of ethics in R&D The interest in ethics, in other words, critical reflection on how to differentiate what is right from what is wrong, what is proper from what is improper, or what is fair from what is unfair, just to mention a...
Do Public Administrations obey the law?, An article by Elena B. Fernández-Castejón Prof. Fernández-Castejón, Criminal Compliance Consultant of Plus Ethics, has recently published an article titled “Do Public Administrations obey the law? Towards the prevention...
Plus Ethics develops and implements an Ethical Code for R+D projects Plus Ethics has developed and implemented an Ethical Code for R+D projects in a Spanish company. The document gathers the guiding values of the company’s research activity, as well as the...
Plus Ethics participates in the conference “Towards a criminal law based on empirical evidence” of the NEXO project Plus Ethics participated on 7 and 8 February 2019 in the conference “Towards a criminal law based on empirical evidence”, at the...
Plus Ethics attends the SMI2G 2019 meeting in Brussels The co-founders of Plus Ethics, Fernando Miró and Javier Castro, attended the SMI2G 2019 (Security Mission Information & Innovation Group) that took place in Brussels on 29 and 30 January 2019. The event...
Emotional biometrics, virtual reality, big data and fear of crime On July 20th, the CEO of Plus Ethics, Francisco Javier Castro Toledo, defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Fear of crime in the technological era: new methodological horizons, new ontological...