Plus Ethics participates in the conference “Towards a criminal law based on empirical evidence” of the NEXO project Plus Ethics participated on 7 and 8 February 2019 in the conference “Towards a criminal law based on empirical evidence”, at the...
Plus Ethics attends the SMI2G 2019 meeting in Brussels The co-founders of Plus Ethics, Fernando Miró and Javier Castro, attended the SMI2G 2019 (Security Mission Information & Innovation Group) that took place in Brussels on 29 and 30 January 2019. The event...
Emotional biometrics, virtual reality, big data and fear of crime On July 20th, the CEO of Plus Ethics, Francisco Javier Castro Toledo, defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Fear of crime in the technological era: new methodological horizons, new ontological...
Experimental Criminal Law in the V Conference of professors of Criminal Law of the Valencian and Balearic Public University On March 23, Ana Belén Gómez, expert in empirical legal studies in Plus Ethics and Assistant Professor at Miguel Hernández University,...
Committing crimes in 140 characters: the criminal law against hatred and radicalization on the Internet On December, the CiberHache project was finalized, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DER2014-53449-R), coordinated by CRIMINA Center...
Ethical and Legal scope in Big Data for Tourism Management Plus Ethics is part of the multidisciplinary team of the second edition of the University Expert Course in Big Data for Tourism Management at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche (UMH). Francisco Javier...