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CoDiet A new method to monitor the diet-NCD link Unhealthy diets are associated with metabolic changes and increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, little is known about the dietary mechanisms that actually drive NCDs, and the tools used to collect...


PILLAR-Robots Robots that can “think” autonomously in purposeful ways for real-life scenarios Imagine a robot with such a high level of autonomy that it can determine its own goals and decide on which strategy to pursue in real-world situations. The...


SYMSITES The impact of climate change has pushed countries and organizations worldwide to look for greener energy as well as industrial and everyday life solutions. In reaction to linear behavior (extract, use, waste…), companies and public organizations should learn...


GES4SEAS Human activities exert great pressures on the health of our marine environment, its biodiversity and the functioning of its ecosystem. The EU-funded project GES4SEAS will inform and guide marine governance with a view to minimising these pressures and their...


PERSIST The transition from cancer patient to cancer survivor should be planned and coordinated to ensure patients receive high-quality, coordinated and personalised care. The EU-funded PERSIST project is developing a system that supports self-care and can identify...


MINDb4ACT “MINDb4ACT is a collaborative project participated by 7 LEAs, think-tanks, reserach centres, universities, industry associations and NGO based in 10 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and United...
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