BIOservicES (Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in different land uses: from the identification of drivers, pressures and climate change resilience to their...
ARMETISS (smARt Multifunction tExtiles for integrated Soldier System)ARMETISS aims to develop a set of smart clothes and equipment integrating complementary functions based on EU...
Suite de herramientas basadas en IA multimodal para combatir las amenazas derivadas del uso malicioso de la IA.En la era de la inteligencia artificial (IA), especialmente con el auge de...
In the EU, 60-70% of soils are degraded as a direct result of unsustainable management. However, tackling this multifaceted challenge is not an easy task, mainly because farmers' decisions...
The POP-ART project is based on a platform that enables the secure processing and sharing of large amounts of data with the aim of improving the security of EU citizens against threats and...
The project “Research in eco-designed ballistic systems for durable lightweight protections against current and new threats in platform and personal applications” (ECOBALLIFE) will...
SYNERGISE will design, develop, integrate, deploy, test, validate and demonstrate a Novel Integrated Toolkit for Collaborative Response and Enhanced Situational Awareness (NIT-CRES), at...
Chemical pesticides are harmful to the environment and human health, and their use should be restricted. Integrated pest management (IPM) combines preventive measures such as agronomic...
Time to attribute health benefits to fermented foods Food and beverage fermentation dates back 7 000 years. Despite this long history, we know very little about the benefits of such a...
Marine biodiversity sustains ecosystem services for planetary and human health. Recent surveys of marine ecosystems have unveiled our ignorance of the richness and functioning of marine...
EU GREEN - The European University alliance for sustainability: responsible GRowth, inclusive Education and ENvironment - brings together nine peripheral regionally-anchored but globally...
Biodiversity Building Blocks for policy
New tools to respond to biodiversity threats Climate change, pollution, natural resource exploitation and land use change are global threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. Quantifying...
New bio-based and sustainable raw materials enabling circular value chains of high performance lightweight biocomposites New lightweight High-Performance Composite (HPC) materials and...
A new method to monitor the diet-NCD link Unhealthy diets are associated with metabolic changes and increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, little is known about the...
Robots that can "think" autonomously in purposeful ways for real-life scenarios Imagine a robot with such a high level of autonomy that it can determine its own goals and decide on which...
The impact of climate change has pushed countries and organizations worldwide to look for greener energy as well as industrial and everyday life solutions. In reaction to linear behavior...
Human activities exert great pressures on the health of our marine environment, its biodiversity and the functioning of its ecosystem. The EU-funded project GES4SEAS will inform and guide...
The transition from cancer patient to cancer survivor should be planned and coordinated to ensure patients receive high-quality, coordinated and personalised care. The EU-funded PERSIST...
"MINDb4ACT is a collaborative project participated by 7 LEAs, think-tanks, reserach centres, universities, industry associations and NGO based in 10 Member States (Austria, Belgium,...
Cultural tourism (CT) is a major factor in the tourism sector. It is based on the high cultural, social and environmental potential of certain regions and places. But it also depends on...
VESTLIFE project is part of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), the Research Action Call for Action grant on the theme "Force Protection and Advanced Soldier Systems Beyond...
PRACTICIES mobilises networks of European cities, experts from the fields of humanities, political science and information science to better understand the human roots of violent...
Criminals and terrorists are increasingly using data hiding methods (steganography) to conceal incriminating information in innocent-looking digital files, such as images, video, audio and...
Ensuring the security of public spaces while preserving citizens' freedom is a challenge for European societies. Soft targets, such as shopping centres, stadiums or major events, continue...
The increasing complexity of security challenges, combined with the accumulation of significant amounts of digital data, calls for better and more widespread use of Artificial Intelligence...
In order to initiate an effective transformation of urban safety policies, the EU-funded IcARUS project aims to address urban safety issues by proposing an integrated, evidence-based and...